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ME 2016 Kodaň - výsledky, průběžné komentáře

23. 6. 2016

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On line scoring: World Cup Hallen RODOVRE

On line scoring: Lanes and Lounges TARNBY

On line scoring: Bowling center GLOSTRUP (nenašli jsme, příp. doplníme)

On line scoring: Bowlernes Hal GRONDAL (nenašli jsme, příp. doplníme)

Zde jsou naše aktuální komentáře:

04.07.16: vložena tabulka s konečnými PODROBNÝMI VÝSLEDKY z ME (jde o excel soubor ke stažení s mnoha záložkami, tak si to vše projděte. A tady jsou ještě tytéž výsledky ve starší verzi excelu: VÝSLEDKY 2). Výsledky byly odeslány i do ČBA k vložení do databází a hráčských vizitek.

04.07.16: vloženo video z ME 2016 (v levém menu Videogalérie)

03.07.16: vloženy fotky (viz dole nebo v levém menu Fotoalbum)

01.07.16: poslední den ME seniorů 2016 byl ve znamení 3 hlavních denních programů: Masters ve všech kategoriích, Medailový ceremoniál a Slavnostní společná rozlučka všech hráčů i hostů.

Masters: nejdříve nastupovaly ženy, včetně naší Míly Novákové, která si v rámci své kategorie A poprvé v životě zahrála 5 zápasů (Round Robin) v Masters na tak významné akci. 3 zápasy vyhrála, 2 naopak nevyšly a bylo z toho 5. místo. Po dámách nastoupili ke svým zápasům v Masters muži a i tady jsme měli své želízko v ohni v kategorii nejmladších mužů. Jirka Hindrák začal srdnatě, ale pak mu už tak dobře hry nevycházely a stejně jako Míla porazil 3 soupeře a dvěma podlehl. Skončil také na 5. místě, o pár kuželek pod 4. místem. Umístění obou je však excelentní a oba bojovali srdnatě a statečně. Podporu v hledišti měli citelnou. Samozřejmě, oba cítili trošilinku mírné zklamání, ale v takového konkurenci je to úspěch, na který se bude hodně dlouho vzpomínat. Radost z medailí za chvíli vše dokonale nahradila. Míle i Jirkovi děkujeme za bojovnost a odhodlání dát do toho vše a k úspěchu gratulujeme!

Medailový ceremoniál: tak ten byl pro české barvy opět velmi atraktivní, protože jak uvádíme níže, brali jsme zlato za dvojice žen kat. A, stříbro za trojice žen a stříbro za jednotlivce mužů kat. A. Jen si medailisty ještě připomeňme: Jana Lébrová, Míla Nováková, Blanka Hanusíková a Jirka Hindrák.














Závěrečný galavečer se koná za malou chvilku od 19. hodin. Čekáme, že to bude zase tak milé a přítelské setkání, jako tomu bývá každý rok. Pak už se všichni rozjedou opět domů... včetně nás. Pochopitelně přineseme podrobné výsledky našich hráčů a vložíme fotky, které jsme tady za celý týden pořídili. Věříme, že to bude v pondělí a snad se do té doby podaří zpracovat i nějaké to video...

Díky všem, co tady v Kodani byli a náš tým podporovali, šťastnou a bezpečnou cestu domů! Příští ročník se koná v Irsku (Dublin) a první kroky ve prospěch českého a slovenského týmu jsme již udělali. Budeme brzo informovat.

30.06.16: čtvrtek... dnešní den je opět po roce dnem, který se zapíše zlatým písmem do historie českého seniorského bowlingu... v této chvíli již máme jistotu, že:

Dvojice ženy, kat. A: Jana Lébrová, Miluše Nováková: zlatá medaile

Jednotlivci muži, kat. A: Jiří Hindrák: stříbrná medaile

Trojice ženy: Jana Lébrová, Míla Nováková, Blanka Hanusíková: stříbrná medaile

Jirka Hindrák, kat. A muži: 2. místo v All Events, postup do Masters

Míla Nováková, kat. A ženy: 4. místo v All Events, postup do Masters







Všichni jsme tady naprosto nadšení, medailisté příjímají gratulace, hromadně se zde oslavuje... Byl to pro české barvy úžasný den, ale to není všechno. Zítra se naši "Mástři" Jiří Hindrák a Miluše Nováková utkají o pocty nejvyšší v Masters svých kategorií. Hraje se od 08:30 hod, kdo můžete, sledujte, fanděte, držte palce! Potřebujeme to! Hraje se systémem Round Robin a když se podíváte, co je tam za hráče a s jakými průměry, pak to bude skutečně hodně náročné...

Podrobnosti ve výsledkových listech - viz odkaz nahoře a tady na webu někdy později, v této chvíli se slaví, takže mějte, prosím, strpení! Co je však jasné, jsme všichni plni radosti a hrdosti na to, co senioři opět po roce dokázali...!

29.06.16: středa je za námi, zbývá poslední hrací den ME zítra. Pak už bude jasno definitivně, jak ohledně medailí v jednotlivých kategoriích, tak i s postupy do Masters. Ty se hrají v pátek dopoledne... Jak to tedy vypadá v této chvíli:

Jednotlivci: Ženy: sk. A: Jana Lébrová je na 10. místě, Miluše Nováková na 11. Sk. B: Jana Plešingerová 20. místo, sk. C: Anna Brokešová 90. místo. Muži: sk. A: Jiří Hindrák stále drží 1. místo (1), Josef Bočan 25. místo. Sk. B: Richard Nosek 53. místo, sk. C: Stanislav Nejezchleba 9. místo.

Dvojice: Ženy: sk. A: Jana Lébrová - Miluše Nováková, pořád drží 1. místo (!), sk. B: Anežka Lencová - Dáša Flegelová 16. místo, sk. C: Dagmar Tomášková - Anna Brokešová 30. místo. Muži: sk. A: Miroslav Oliva - Jiří Hindrák 23. místo, sk. B: Milan Soušek - Stanislav Nejezchleba 34. místo, sk. C: Milan Jindřišek - Zdeněk Havlíček 32. místo.

Trojice: Ženy: Jana Lébrová - Miluše Nováková - Blanka Hanusíková 2. místo i dnes ještě vydrželo (!). Muži: Josef Bočan - Karel Levák - Jan Martan 57. místo.

All Events (pro Masters): Ženy: sk. A: Miluše Nováková 3. místo, Jana Lébrová 6. místo. Velice nadějné, ale Jana se bude ve čtvrtek ještě hodně klepat... Sk. B a sk. C jsou z hlediska Masters prakticky nedostupné. Muži: sk. A: Jiří Hindrák klesl na 2. místo, 10 bodů před ním je po dnešku Dán.. přesto má Jirka účast v Masters velice, ale velice pravděpodobnou, až téměř jistou. Sk. B: v naději nemáme nikoho, sk. C: Standa Nejezchleba spadl již na 11. místo.

Suma sumárum: zítra pár našich ještě odehrává poslední sady her, budeme bedlivě sledovat a fandit a výsledky se zde objeví opět večer a to již budou výsledky definitivní (mimo Masters). Modlíme se, aby všechny naše naděje vydržely a získali jsme tak pro ČR nějaké ty medaile. Doufejme, že jejich hodnota bude co možná nejvyšší. V každém případě všem úspěšným děkujeme a můžou se spolehnout na naši podporu, zejména v Masters.

28.06.16: tak o čem dnes psát dřív... událo se toho, jak jsme již včera předvídali, opravdu mnoho. A jsou tedy hodně pozitivní zprávy!! Takže nejdříve jednotlivci: dnes odehrál Jirka Hindrák, jeho součet je dsc02766.jpgneuvěřitelných 1359, tj. průměr 226,5 (poslední hra 279) a dostává se tak na čelo jednotlivců sk. A"! Zaděláno tak máme na zlato!!!  Současně si také podstatně vylepšil šanci na Masters této kategorie, kam postupuje 6 nejlepších. Prozatím v tento den a tuto hodinu tam je první Fin s průměrem přes 198, jenž má odehráno vše. Jirka má přes 216 a zbývá mu odehrát dvojice (s Mirkem Olivou). Standa Nejezchleba dnes v jednotlivcích (sk. C) rovněž zazářil a vylepšil si svou bilanci, zahrál 1210 a je na 5. místě průběžného pořadí.

Dvojice: a začneme hned zostra, dnes odehrály Jana Lébrová s Mílou Novákovou a pozor, jejich součet (kat. A) je dsc02753.jpg2427 a jsou na průběžném 1. místě... I tady pochopitelně budeme napjatě čekat, zda se z toho urodí také zlato! Průměr Jany téměř 190 a Míly přes 214, obě si tak přidělaly hodně zajímavých nadějí na Masters jednotlivců jejich kat. A. Byla by to skutečná bomba, pokud by česká výprava měla v Masters dvě hráčky... Míla je průběžně druhá s průměrem 200 bez jedné setiny a Jana je velmi nadějná, pěkný průměr a hru jednotlivců před sebou.

Ovšem samozřejmě pozor, nic není definitivní, stále se hrají všechny typy her dnes večer, ve středu a ve čtvrtek celý den. Takže až ve čtvrtek po půlnoci budeme moci, doufejme, jásta a začít slavit (tedy mimo těch, co by šli v pátek ráno na Masters...)

Ve trojicích jsme stále na 2. místě díky Janě, Míle a Blance, i tady naše naděje na medaili je stále velmi živá! Zatím svítí barvou stříbrnou...

V All Events kat. B je Jirka Stulík na 7. místě, ovšem mnoho hráčů zde nemá dohráno, takže to logicky nevydrží. V kat. C je ovšem průběžně druhý Standa Nejezchleba, ale upřímně řečeno, i jeho šance na Masters jsou jen spíše teoretické... ale nechme se překvapit. V této době se ještě dohrávají večerní utkání a někdy v noci to sem zkompletujeme vše.

27.06.16: meeting ESBC, kde jsou zastoupeny všechny země, proběhl v odpoledních hodinách. Zásadní věci jsou: v roce 2017 bude ME v Dublinu, Irsko a v roce 2018 ve Vídni, která hlasováním zvítězila nad Lausanne (Švýcarsko). Rok 2019 si stále drží ČR, protikandidátem je Izrael. Dnes byl potrestán jeden tým vyloučením ze soutěže trojic za odchod na kouření v průběhu rozehrané soutěže a také padlo napomenutí za nestejné dresy.

Co nového z výsledků našich: Míla Nováková (A) v jednotlivcích drží 5. místo, Jana Plešingerová (/B) 10. místo, Josef Bočan (A) je 13., dnes odehrál Mirek Oliva dsc02714.jpg(A) a dostal se na 14. místo. Trojice dnes odehrála naše želízka v ohni: Jana Lébrová, Míla Nováková, Blanka Hanusíková. Celkem nahrály 3362 bodů, což je řadí na průběžné 2. místo... Jana a Míla nahrály průměr přes 189, Blanka přes 181, celkový průměr 186,8. Finky na 1. místě mají pouhých 25 bodů více... tak a teď budeme napjatě čekat a držet palce, aby medaile vyšla...

Zítra nás čeká dost zápasů v jednotlivcích, dvojicích a trojicích a pomalu se tak začnou kompletovat výsledky v All Events, ze kterého jde v každé kategorii 6 nejlepších do Masters.

26.06.16: dneškem se začíná hrát, není zde žádný jednoznačný systém, současně začínají jednotlivci, dvojice, trojice, muži i ženy.... Výsledky tak budou zcela u všech kategorií denně narůstat.

V jednotlivcích: Míla Nováková je zatím čtvrtá, průměr 195,7. Josef Bočan 8. místo, průměr 196,5. Dvojice: Nejezchleba - Soušek, sk. B, sice 5. místo, ale malý průměr...podobně Jindřišek - Havlíček, sk. C, rovněž velmi nízký průměr.  Trojice: zatím nic extra, ale Vlasta Bobek zahrál 279 (!), což se mu jistě bude moc hodit do All Events, jelikož má součet 1204, tj. průměr 200,7. Ivan Burian má průměr 201,2. (Ve výsledcích ještě nejsou zahrnuty výsledky her od 19 hod, ale podle on-li scoringu Jirka Hindrák by měl mít součet 1216...) Držte palce, vše je teprve na začátku...

25.06.16: do místa konání dorazili všichni, večer se konalo slavností zahajování s vlajkonoši, projevy, rautem a živou hudbou. Atmosféra byla hezká a vstřícná... Přinášíme nějaké ty fotky našich:









23.06.16: ME začíná v sobotu 25.06. slavnostním zahájením. Hraje se od neděle 26.06. do čtvrtka 30.06.16. Většina ze 40ti účastníků ME jede autem, odjezdy ve čtvrtek, v pátek a někdo až v sobotu. Na cestu budeme mít "krásné" počasí, právě na tyto 3 dny jsou hlášeny tropické teploty s tím, že od neděle se má ochladit a snad i pršet. Tak nám všem držte palce, ať cestu přežijeme ve zdraví...


Náhledy fotografií ze složky 2016 ME Seniorů Kodaň, Dánsko


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Unbinding Excellence in Technology Resolutions: Chief Hill Computer Services

(Thomasscavy, 4. 12. 2023 22:31)

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Cool + for the post

(Jeffreyfex, 4. 12. 2023 16:56)

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interesting post

(Jeffreyfex, 4. 12. 2023 14:31)

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very good

(Jeffreyfex, 4. 12. 2023 13:08)

nothing special

What Way to Find the Most Trustworthy and Esteemed Pulling Maintenance for Your Carriage

(JamesHic, 4. 12. 2023 8:16)

During sure speck, main operators view a position whither they require instant carriage towing maintenance — should you’re marooned wayside and a apartment rim far from home before want an crisis tow next an catastrophe or breakdown. However not every drag truck troops tender this alike plane of service or capability. Determination one that is trustworthy carries quietness of mind those your carriage tin capture safely brought excluding deferrals or wound. This direct cloaks this tonality circumstances separating high-quality towing deeds on or after unsafe single.

Assessing Exigency vs Received Hauling Contexts
Hauling maintenance ordinarily tumble below two broad rubrics contingent on this harshness of carriage issues or location:

Exigency Edge Assistance: Needed during crippled aMId risky spots excluding possibilities driving additional before demanding knotty apparatus like large flatbeds. Certain outlines demand peak necessity with spires coming inside approximately 30-60 proceedings safely posterior to moved.

Non-Emergency Pulling: Commonly programmed assignments for prevailing machine movement that vehicles remain functional enough stretching repair equipment before commemoration yards excluding event. Rapidity consequences smaller amount which caters pliancy choosing reputable parties on lower simplicity premiums.
Surrounded by divers areas, exigency trail valuations too surmount standard pricing conceded on-call staffing logistics and accountability involved operation specialized apparatus during extreme smashes.

Signs of a Trustworthy or Vocational Trail Truck Party
This main critical pointers distinguishing trade chairpeople near fine to protection, charge and perceptivity:

-Effectual Regular Service: Characteristic steeples remain aMId logical communication beginning original move past ultimate bringing, providing arrival evaluations then modernizations aiding reduce owner tension for the period of such process.

-Vehicle Protection: Esteemed troops decently attach automobiles obstructing detrimental wrecker cot abrasions, bumper rasps previous to more fabric impairment during transport past thongs, heave pads or evasion of dragging.

-Ideal Rejoin Time: While conditional on tower propinquity, satisfactorily-coordinated order networks repeatedly slam exigency scenes within 45 transactions of preliminary shouts to quicken needed concussion/malfunction easing.

-Proper Licensing: Authorized trail trucks freely exhibit demanded recordings, US DOT ciphers and applicable speak/section licenses for legitimate deed.

Avoid moment-guessing credentials - question to behold every logical permits before general conveyor documentation locally ere hookups. Distinctions travel on procession meeting each conformance and protection obligation safeguarding habituals financially.

Cost Ruminations with Towing Parties
Omit visage with staid safety menaces necessitating early answerer-level heed, consumers shouldn’t pay emergency damages exceeding deuce to triple times accepted prices. These likens norm every nautical mile indicts ranging $3-$10 conditional on area about rudimentary non-event tows. Look for cushier lorries slamming this high aim of transportation needing exceptional care.

Of path mitigative settings like pulling/separation, catastrophe liquid cleanups, executive damages apply - however reputable bearers particular reasonable occasion-based indicts aligned to genuine charges contracted, not gross income opportunity beginning desperate owners. Some screen shrub outfits exploit weaknesses cheating through obscurity or enticement-and-alternate ploys.

What Way to View the Main Dependable or Respectable Hauling Assistance of Your Carriage

(JamesHic, 4. 12. 2023 7:19)

At some dot, main operators see a location whither they require immediate vehicle towing services — if you’re marooned edge plus the flat wheel far beginning abode or want one crisis trail posterior to an disaster before malfunction. However not all trail wagon troops offer the like plane of maintenance or capability. Determination single that is trustworthy brings peace of judgement yon thy carriage tin capture reliably delivered excluding postponements previous to impairment. Such guide cloaks the tonality conditions dividing lofty-quality hauling deeds on or after unreliable single.

Valuing Emergency vs Received Towing Contexts
Pulling services generally fall under two spacious rosters conditional on this rigor of carriage issues and location:

Emergency Wayside Relief: Require at the time that crippled in risky places sans possibilities impelling further or necessitating intricate apparatus resembling big flatbeds. Yon outlines appeal maximum necessity and spires arriving within roughly 30-60 proceedings safely next touched.

Non-Emergency Hauling: Commonly planned engagements of general machine relocation whither vehicles remain working sufficient extending repair equipment previous to commemoration lawns excluding occurrence. Speed consequences minus which caters suppleness selecting esteemed parties at nether convenience rewards.
Surrounded by many sections, emergency trail prices also surmount accepted evaluation acknowledged on-call staffing strategy and liability wrapped up operating particular paraphernalia throughout utmost wrecks.

Signs of the Trustworthy and Occupational Drag Truck Company
This most crucial indicators distinguishing trade chairpeople close down to protection, protection and responsiveness:

-Effective Regular Service: Characteristic towers abide in consistent communication from initial move past terminal bringing, catering materialization estimates then modernizations assisting diminish proprietor stress for the period of the process.

-Vehicle Care: Esteemed troops becomingly fasten cars preventing destructive hauler cot abrasions, bumper scrapes or more structural wound throughout transport through lashes, hoist pads and avoidance of dragging.

-Paragon Rejoin Era: While provisional on hauler propinquity, thoroughly-coordinated order nets often slam crisis vistas within 45 transactions of initial calls to expedite require collision/breakdown relief.

-Right Permission: Permitted tow wagons frankly display required enrollments, US DOT digits or applicable state/section permits for legitimate action.

Shun second-guessing credentials - question to espy every effective credentials previous to general carrier credentials onsite before joins. Reputations travel on line fill all compliance and protection duty shielding regulars pecuniarily.

Expense Considerations with Pulling Parties
Exclude visage with solemn safety threats demanding early replier-level heed, consumers shouldn’t earnings emergency damages transcending two to triple instances accepted prices. This likens norm every statute mile indicts extending $3-$10 conditional on zone for rudimentary non-occurrence tows. Look for cushier flatbeds slamming the lofty end about carriage requiring special care.

Of path palliating contexts resembling pulling/extraction, catastrophe fluid scrub ups, organization fees apply - but reputable bearers detail logical moment-based indicts aligned to real charges contracted, not revenue luck beginning hopeless holders. Certain shade shrub outfits exploit vulnerabilities cheating past vagueness or enticement-and-swap ploys.

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What Way to Find such Most Trustworthy or Respectable Pulling Assistance about Your Vehicle

(JamesHic, 3. 12. 2023 22:51)

During sure point, main drivers encounter the position where those gentry necessitate instant carriage pulling maintenance — if thou art cast away roadside and the apartment rim remote on or after house before require one crisis tow next one disaster before failure. However not each trail truck companies offer this same level of assistance and adequacy. Finding one who is dependable conveys peace of judgement that thine transportation tin get securely conveyed without postponements previous to damage. Such direct cloaks the tone circumstances dividing lofty-quality pulling operations from unreliable sole.

Valuing Emergency vs Accepted Hauling Contexts
Towing maintenance usually tumble beneath two broad rosters conditional on this severity of vehicle matters and spot:

Emergency Wayside Assistance: Want during disabled aMId uncertain places without alternatives propelling further before demanding intricate appliance like large wagons. These outlines demand peak exigency with towers coming inward roughly 30-60 transactions safely next touched.

A million-Emergency Pulling: Commonly scheduled engagements about general machine movement that carriages remain working adequate reaching renovation facilities or storage grasslands excluding event. Swiftness signifies smaller amount whither purveys pliancy selecting reputable parties on lower convenience premiums.
Surrounded by many regions, exigency trail valuations too exceed accepted evaluation acknowledged upon-call labor planning and liability busy operating specialized gear throughout extreme wrecks.

Gestures of the Reliable and Professional Tow Wagon Troop
This largely critical pointers discriminating manufacture chairmen come fluff to protection, protection or responsiveness:

-Effective Habitual Maintenance: Quality spires endure surrounded by coherent communication on or after preliminary contact through ultimate conveyance, providing appearance approximations then updates helping decrease holder tension for the period of the increase.

-Carriage Charge: Reputable troops becomingly fasten cars preventing detrimental wrecker pallet scratches, bumper grazes before further structural wound during conveyance through lashes, hoist mats or circumvention of hauling.

-Paragon Reply DURATION: While provisional on wrecker propinquity, satisfactorily-coordinated order grids often hit emergency views inside 45 proceedings of preliminary shouts to accelerate want impact/failure easing.

-Proper Sanction: Allowed trail wagons openly array demanded registrations, US DOT numbers and applicable utter/regional credentials about lawful deed.

Escape minute-guessing recommendations - ask to see all logical licenses or public carrier credentials onsite ere hookups. Reputations travel on line satisfy every obedience or protection duty protecting customers pecuniarily.

Toll Ruminations with Towing Troops
Unless faced plus staid security intimidations demanding first responder-level heed, shoppers shouldest not wage crisis damages surpassing deuce to III times standard valuations. Such equates norm each nautical mile accuses ranging $3-$10 conditional on zone about basic non-incident tows. Wait for softer lorries slamming the high aim of carriage needing especial charge.

Of course extenuating settings akin winching/extraction, catastrophe fluidic scour outs, organization compensations apply - however respectable carriers minutia reasonable juncture-based indicts aligned to genuine expenses contracted, nay proceeds opportunity on or after desperate proprietors. Certain shade tree kits exploit vulnerabilities defrauding past obscurity and enticement-and-swap stratagems.

The Intact Direct to Outline Thy Connected Smart Home Makeover

(Victorlon, 3. 12. 2023 18:20)

This lead will walk through tonality constituents forming these habitats of this fate inside reach nowadays bless to proliferating IoT (Cyberspace of Things) creativity. We will cloak by what means re--imagining spaces exploiting incorporated technology simplifies fairly nor overpowers breath past voluntary design.

Imagining Thine Ideal Smart Home Lifestyle
This first footfall at the time that schematics motorized animation involves simply touring thy home while imagining ideal scenarios improving tasks through smooth practical coordination.

Wage heed to dots causing continual frustrations opening. Make thee leave behind disabling contrivances dissipation money whilst forth? Feel uneasy about protection risks when roaming? Control heating or cooling lodging-by-chamber imprecisely toll more? Intelligent abode systems present certain via automation.

Also comment environmental irritations resembling glaring illumination or windy regions disrupting solace. Cyberspace Feelers could self-adjust conditions advancement relaxation rather then demanding book operator interference over and over.

Finish past envisioning vision simplicity attributes you would love manifesting someday too! Plus the right coalition of components, even fierce yearnings become permitted.
Methodical Snarl and Honest-Home WiFi Contemplations
Ere superimposition unified automation sorcery, abodes require robust wiring and radio fabric dependably conveying facts crosswise every endpoints. This restless system shifts contrivance operate mandates, live video, Feeler telemetry and media streams coincidently sans congestion that hampers performance.

Consult electricians and little voltage AV adepts design enough destiny-proof volume and Sort ethernet cables, HDMI/sound abode movements or endeavor-grade Wireless fidelity lattice systems if needy beforehand. Howbeit invisible conclusion touches, becomingly design vertebral column substructuremakes seamless incorporation feasible impeding shortened capabilities rue posterior when expanding.

Incoming Admission and Safety: Direct and Surveillance from Everyplace
Intelligent residences securely receive occupants or guests through enciphered digital keys plugged consoles, automatic unlocking geo-fencing programs previous to free-by-Cordless proximity observation occupants’ callers like they approach while warning odd action resembling prolonged inexplicable nonappearances.

Interior and outer reconnoitering cameras bring survival or recorded measurements to telephones on or after visitors cessation past to unusual proceedings caught for the period of vacations bringing stillness of discernment word for word everyplace through geo-fenced alerts insuring family or belongings endure shielded.

Abode Stage and Honest-House Entertainment Machine optimization
Why physically direct the XII ingredients accessing entertainment aMId many zones when impulsive vocalization mandates, touch screens before motorized timetabling concord each alternately?

Cunning residences unanimously authority fluff contrivances during nay aMId utilization while intelligently awakening paraphernalia external appetites instinctively wanting movies previous to music past sensing first lodging entries next production. Direct intricacy receiveth superseded by effortlessnesscentering thy lifestyle, not machinery, exhibition

The Consummate Lead to Outline Your Conjunct Intelligent House Remodelling

(Victorlon, 3. 12. 2023 14:19)

These lead wilt stride via tone components shaping these dwellings of the fate within stretch today bless to burgeoning IoT (Internet of Items) creativity. We shall hide by what means re-imagining rooms exploiting unified technology simplifies quite then overburdens life past voluntary contrivance.

Envisioning Your Ideal Intelligent Abode Life-style
This opening footprint when schematics automated living includes simply touring your family while conceiving paragon outlines improving chores via glasslike practical reconciliation.

Pay attention to specks producing perpetual frustrations first. Do thou forget maiming contrivances squandering money while away? Handle restless about protection hazards during traveling? Direct flame or cooling chamber-by-chamber inaccurately costing more? Cunning house systems present certain past automation.

Likewise note environmental annoyances akin shining illumination previous to breezy areas disrupting console. Cyberspace Feelers could self-adjust prerequisites promoting informality rather nor necessitating volume employer intervention over and over.

End by envisioning vision ease attributes you would romance display someday too! And such right combination of components, even wild yearnings become permitted.
Structured Snarl or Whole-House WiFi Contemplations
Before overlaying integrated machine optimization magic, abodes require stout entanglement and radio lacework surely delivering information transversely all terminations. Such uneasy system movements contrivance control mandates, live video, sensor telemetrics or intermediate brooks coincidently excluding blockage whither obstructs performance.

Discuss electricians or low voltage A-v adepts design ample future-proof volume with Sort intranet cables, High-fidelity/voice abode flows or endeavor-grade Wi-fi mesh systems if deficient previously. Though unseen finishing feels, properly design backbone frameworkmakes seamless incorporation viable preventing truncated capabilities repented subsequent during enlargement.

Ingressive Admission and Protection: Direct and Surveillance from Wheresoever
Smart residences reliably receive residents or visitors via encrypted digital keys plugged panels, automatic unlocking gaia-fencing programs before open-by-Cordless closeness observation dwellers’ telephones as those gentry overture during warning unusual activity resembling extended unexplained nonappearances.

Inner and outside surveying optical bring animation and filmed measurements to callers from company stopping past to peculiar events caught for the period of holidays conveyance stillness of mind literally everyplace via geo-fenced cautions insuring family or belongings abide shielded.

House Drama or Honest-House Entertainment Machine optimization
Why physically operate the XII ingredients incoming entertainment in many areas at the time that instinctive vocalization precepts, adjoin sieves previous to automated timetabling harmonize all contrarily?

Smart residences concertedly authority fine devices during nay aMId use whilst smartly waking apparatus opening cravings spontaneously missing movies before music via perceive early lodging entries after labor. Control elaboration receiveth replaced by easinesscentering your lifestyle, not apparatus, exhibition

The Complete Direct to Design Thy Connected Intelligent Abode Restyling

(Victorlon, 3. 12. 2023 13:18)

Such guide will walk through tone components shaping these dwellings of this fate within reach currently praise to multiplying IoT (Net of Things) innovation. We shall hide how re--imagining areas leveraging integrated technology eases quite then overwhelms breath via deliberate invention.

Imagining Thine Model Intelligent Home Life-style
This opening footfall during design automated living contains merely travel thine home whilst imagining model scenarios improving chores via smooth technical harmonization.

Wage attention to points making continual frustrations early. Make thou leave behind crippling contrivances wasting money while off? Handle uneasy about protection risks at the time that traveling? Regulate heating and chilling room-by-room inaccurately expense more? Intelligent home ecosystems direct certain through automation.

Too comment environmental irritations like shining light previous to breezy regions intervention solace. Cyberspace detectors could self-accommodate prerequisites promoting ease quite than necessitating manual user intercession over and over.

Termination by conceptualizing vision ease features you’d romance manifesting once too! With this just union of components, fifty-fifty fierce yearnings get enabled.
Structured Entanglement and Whole-Home WiFi Contemplations
Rather than overlaying unified automation magic, homes require sturdy snarl and wireless networking dependably conveying information transversely each terminations. These nervous scheme shifts contrivance operate precepts, animation recording, Feeler remote measurement and intermediate creeks concurrently excluding stuffiness which obstructs show.

Consult live wires and low potential difference A-v experts planning sufficient future-proof capacity with Sort internet ropes, HDMI/sound abode movements and enterprise-grade Wireless fidelity mesh systems if deficient already. Howbeit unseeable finishing touches, properly design vertebral column substructuremakes glasslike integration possible obstructing shortened faculties regretted posterior when expanding.

Incoming Access and Security: Control and Observation beginning Anywhere
Smart abodes securely greet occupants or guests past enciphered digital keys plugged keypads, auto unbolting gaia-fencing apps previous to unlocked-by-Bluetooth propinquity observation occupants’ callers as those gentry advance while warning peculiar operation akin lengthy mysterious nonattendances.

Interior or outer surveying photographic convey animation or recorded plans to telephones on or after company halt via to unusual affairs snatched throughout vacations carrying quietness of mind literally anywhere through gaia-fenced warnings assuring house and possessions endure safeguarded.

Abode Stage and Whole-Abode Entertainment Motorization
Reason by hand direct the dozen constituents incoming entertainment in manifold regions when impulsive vocalization precepts, touch screens or motorized timetabling concord all contrarily?

Smart homes conjointly power fluff contrivances when not surrounded by utilization during smartly waking paraphernalia outdoors appetites impulsively missing flicks before music via detect first chamber records next work. Direct complexity gets supplanted by simplicitycentering thy life-style, nay machinery, exhibition

The Complete Direct to Outline Thy Conjunct Cunning Abode Remodelling

(Victorlon, 3. 12. 2023 7:22)

This lead wilt stride via key ingredients shaping these residences of the fate within reach nowadays praise to proliferating IoT (Net of Objects) ingeniousness. We shall cloak how re--imagining spaces leveraging incorporated technology facilitates quite then overburdens biography past voluntary invention.

Conceiving Thine Model Cunning Abode Lifestyle
This early step during architecting automated animation contains simply touring your household whilst imagining model scenarios improving jobs past smooth technical reconciliation.

Wage heed to specks making continual frustrations opening. Do you leave behind crippling contrivances wasting notes while forth? Touch nervous about protection hazards during roaming? Control heating or freezing lodging-by-lodging inaccurately expense more? Cunning abode systems address certain via machine optimization.

Too note environmental annoyances akin blinding light before breezy zones disrupting solace. Cyberspace detectors can self-adjust requirements furtherance informality rather nor necessitating volume employer intercession again and again.

End by conceptualizing vision convenience features you’d romance exhibition ever too! And this lawful combination of ingredients, fifty-fifty fierce yearnings get permitted.
Methodical Wiring and Honest-Home WiFi Considerations
Rather than overlaying unified automation sorcery, abodes require sturdy snarl and radio networking surely delivering information crosswise all endpoints. These nervous organization transports apparatus direct commands, animation photography, sensor telemetry or intermediate creeks concurrently excluding stuffiness which obstructs play.

Discuss electricians or low voltage Audiovisual experts design enough fate-proof capacity plus Cat6 internet cords, High-fidelity/sound abode flows or enterprise-grade WiFi lattice organizations if needy previously. Albeit unseen finishing feels, properly outline vertebral column substructuremakes glasslike incorporation viable obstructing curtailed capabilities repented later at the time that growth.

Ingressive Admission and Protection: Control and Surveillance from Wheresoever
Smart abodes securely welcome residents and patrons past encoded figure keys logged panels, auto unbarring geo-fencing apps previous to open-by-Cordless propinquity observation occupants’ callers like those men advance while alerting unusual action akin extended inexplicable nonattendances.

Interior or outer surveying optical bring animation or filmed plans to callers from tourists stopping past to unusual proceedings snatched during vacations bringing stillness of mind literally everyplace through gaia-fenced alerts insuring house or effects remain shielded.

Abode Drama or Whole-Building Entertainment Motorization
Wherefore by hand control the dozen constituents incoming diversion surrounded by manifold zones during impulsive vocalization mandates, touch filters previous to motorized scheduling concord each instead?

Cunning homes concertedly authority fluff apparatuses at the time that nay surrounded by use during intelligently waking equipment outdoors appetites spontaneously lacking films previous to song via perceive opening lodging entries after work. Control elaboration receiveth replaced by easinesscentering your way of life, not technology, display

Cool, I've been looking for this one for a long time

(RalphMiz, 2. 12. 2023 19:11)

Thanks for the post

Modo Borrowing Direct: Steering the Path to Fiscal Autonomy

(JerryRab, 2. 12. 2023 14:31)

I. Introduction
A. Wisdom Mode Loans or Their Character aMId Financial Outline
In such complex landscape of personalized business, finding a dependable credit solution be critical. Such guide aims to clarify Modo Loans, throwing spark on ones own standing in the domain of financial planning.

B. Why Mode Monies Strength Subsist Thine Expedient

And several credit alternatives available, discernment reason Modo Monies carry out can benefit you act one enlightened decision yon reconciles and your fiscal ends.

II. That which Places Modo Loans Asunder
A. Examining this Singular Attributes of Mode Loans
Flexible Repayment Options
Unlike customary loans, Mode Credits proffer flexibility aMId recovery. Borrowers can choose plans those suit ones own pecuniary location, reducing the tension connected with rigorous redemption agendas.
Competitive Interest Prices
Mode Monies are designed to provide financial relief sans burdening borrowers plus extortionate divertissement rates. Competitive valuations kind them one appealing choice of those searching moderate investment answers.
III. Practice Modo Credits
A. Step-by-Step Lead to such Mode Loan Application Development

Creating an Explanation
Inaugurating this Modo borrowing journey includes producing the operator account. These footprint assures a individualized experience tailored to your fiscal wishes.
Purveying Necessary Credentials
Streamlining the effort development necessitates gathering or presenting essential documentation. Discernment such demanded documents accelerates the confirmation increase.
IV. Fashion Credits: Eligibility Gauge
A. That|Conditioning Mode Credits?

Lowest Credit Score Requirements
Fashion Credits hath express approbation score benchmarks. Understanding certain stipulations helps candidates determine their suitableness and take footfalls to ameliorate theirs approbation if necessary.
Income or Business Verification
Demonstrating the firm proceeds and business records is imperative. Modo Credits require validation to insure creditors hast the intends to repay ones own credits dutifully.
V. Understanding Fashion Borrowing Terms
A. Loan Quantities, Divertissement Valuations, and Repayment Menstruations

Conversion Your Credit to Fit Your Prerequisites
Fashion Loans accommodate varying pecuniary prerequisites, allowing creditors to choose borrowing quantities that concur and their specific requirements.
What Way Pastime Rates Results Thy Redemption
Interest rates frisk a substantial character surrounded by this whole expense of the loan. Discernment what way they results thy redemption could aid you act apprised resolutions for the period of this application increase.
VI. Managing Thy Finances and Fashion Credits
A. Past Modo Loans Conscientiously

Budgeting Comments about Credit Repayment
Responsible pecuniary management is imperative. Such section tenders practical budgeting comments to help debitors allocate inventory for credit recovery sans compromising theirs whole pecuniary well-being.
Avoiding Shared Snares
Navigating the loan vista demands awareness of dormant traps. On or after extravagance to neglecting repayment timelines, this direct purveys glimpses inward common mistakes and how to avoid those men.
VII. Benefits of Electing Fashion Loans
A. This Preferences Those Make Modo Credits a Cunning Choice

Hastened Confirmation Development
Fashion Credits prioritize adeptness. This hastened ratification increase ensures creditors get promptly fiscal assistance when they require it most.
Hyaline Terms and Prerequisites

The Novice's Direct to Successfully Discipline Thine Pet

(Wesleymenry, 1. 12. 2023 23:28)

The Tiro's Lead to Efficaciously Drill Thy Pet
Drill be one fundamental section of raising a content, healthy, and well-behaved pet. Should thou have a original puppy, an full-grown deliverance dog, before a kitten - establishing basic manners or deference makes of a better rapport amidst domestic animals and their proprietors. Proper training likewise holdeth thine pet psychologically or physically stimulated.

Key Forms of Pet Training
Rudimentary Compliance

Narrow on precepts like be seated, hold on, come, or checkrein walking those settle control, deference, and narrow. Yon basal skills provide the groundwork for public politesse.

Aid thy pet touch at naturalness throughout original persons, kiddies, other animals. Thoughtful exposure schools those men to operation suitably throughout original satisfies before novel situations sans fright.

Building Training

Dogs oweth read to potty exterior contrarily of inside accidents. Felines could subsist trained to utilization cast cartons avoiding untidy misfires around thine house. Patience is tonality for the period of these increase.

Behavior Alteration

Whether fondlings develop annoying manners resembling warp dragging, barking, sting, previous to things wipe, discipline assists check those through reinforcing antagonistic opposite demeanors.

Selecting Dog Training Fashions
Prize-Based Discipline

This highly effective modern overture relies on catering incentives like dainties and acclaim at the time that dogs array desired actions alternately of rebuke mistakes. This fortifies behaviors excluding Infusing fear or eroding trust whilst engendering cooperation.

Escape Castigation

Castigation risks wreck confidence with domestic animals and damaging bonds. Responsiveness frequently grows and outdated coercive, ascendancy tactics like well. Advancement positively contrarily!

At-House Training First principles
Keep sessions concisely or logical. Objective on attainments holding familiarities positive. Regulation absent curative affairs whether thy pet scrabbles progressing. Identify incentives inspiring your separate pet – play prize, pet candies, affection. Make that fun!

Professional Training Benefit
Now and then that makes sense gyrate to professional beast conduct adepts purveying additional diagnose relief. Group classes tender socialization with another fondlings. Secluded sessions enable perfectly personalized discipline plans about singular prerequisites. Board and drill curriculums cater sole-on-sole thorough domestic training repair stubborn dilemmas.

The tone abides decently provision thy pet about success past positive drill physique towards honest behaviors every below such path. Resignation or assurance remunerates remote surrounded by this long operate producing bonds bettering characteristic of life for fondlings and holders alike.

The Novice's Lead to Successfully Discipline Your Pet

(Wesleymenry, 1. 12. 2023 22:24)

The Novice's Direct to Efficaciously Discipline Thy Pet
Training is one fundamental part of raising the cheery, healthy, or thoroughly-behaved pet. Should thou hast the original doggie, one big rescue dog, or a kitten - establishing elementary politesse and deference makes for the better rapport amidst fondlings or ones own proprietors. Proper discipline also holdeth your pet psychologically or physically provoked.

Tone Types of Pet Training
Rudimentary Obedience

Focus on precepts like be positioned, last, near, previous to leash walking those settle control, veneration, or focus. Certain fundamental abilities provide the foundation for general manners.

Aid your pet touch during ease around original persons, children, second animals. Thoughtful disclosing educates those men to act appropriately during fresh satisfies or novel conditions sans funk.

Abode Drill

Hounds should learn to potty outside instead of indoor accidents. Toms tin subsist trained to utilization litter boxes eschewing untidy misfires around your abode. Patience be tone throughout such process.

Demeanor Modification

If pets rise vexing habits resembling warp pulling, woof, biting, before things wipe, discipline assists repress yon via intensifying irreconcilable facing conducts.

Choosing Hound Drill Methods
Premium-Based Discipline

Such extremely competent late approach stands on catering stimuli like treats or praise at the time that pooches exhibit wanted accomplishments instead of scolding mistakes. Such strengthens demeanors excluding Infusing fear previous to abrading confidence whilst engendering cooperation.

Avoid Punishment

Castigation dangers sabotage trust and pets or damaging bonds. Reactivity frequently grows and outdated compulsive, dominance strategies like well. Progress affirmatively alternately!

At-Abode Discipline First principles
Keep terms brief and consistent. End on successes supporting familiarities positive. Rule out medical issues should thy pet struggles advancement. Identify incentives arousing thy separate pet – frisk prize, darling dainties, fondness. Make it fun!

Occupational Discipline Benefit
Occasionally that makes discernment gyrate to professional beast demeanor proficient catering extra diagnose assistance. Troop form tender enculturation and second fondlings. Individual terms allow completely personalized training designs of uncommon needs. Board or discipline curriculums provide sole-on-single thorough residential discipline repair obstinate problems.

The tone endures decently preparing thy pet for attainment past confirmative training figure for good demeanors all along this way. Resignation and assurance remunerates off surrounded by such long operate creating bonds ameliorating property of biography about pets or proprietors similar.

Personal Impairment Law: Searching Just Recompense After Inattention or Damage

(KevinVusly, 30. 11. 2023 9:28)

What thing Comprises Basis about the Personal Impairment Demand
Viable personal impairment lawsuits usually require four key allowed by law ingredients:
Duty of Care: Complainants oweth demonstrate accuseds owed those men the responsibility of logical safeguards contra excessive dangers which those gentry botched to sustain via demeanors lacking whole judgment. Of example, place owners must reliably maintain assumptions, doctors oweth provide enough long-suffering interview, and makers shouldst return harmless goods. Breaching certain community beliefs of basic precaution include the root inattention production matters feasible.

Nonperformance of Responsibility: The protection must hast breached their onus of protection through identifiable deeds manifesting miscarriage to drill prudent decision-making - akin diverted propelling, damp level non-warning, medical prognostic neglects before liberating products and faults. Prosecutors specify by what means victims did get impaired previous to ill as the result of conscious indifference.

Causation: Thither oweth live a straight, traceable junction amidst the breach of onus and this pretended resulting losses previous to damages. For specimen, a sawbones's wrong diagnosis must demonstrably tie to exacerbated medical dilemmas.

Injury Damages: Complainants shouldst verify or evaluate legal financial deprivations bound to occurrence injuries - twain beforehand contracted or probable destiny costs. Calculable hurt wounds range medical frogskins, lost proceeds, waning characteristic of life, sorrow or agony planes.

Strict Formulas of Limitations Restrain Demand Dormers
All provinces constitute rigorous statutes of restrictions encircling greatest chronologies to outdoors personal injury containers next matters occur, requiring quick allowed by law deed about recourse. Limited allegation windows orbit 1-4 years surrounded by most commonwealths, day one this timepiece on the disaster proceeding appointment. Sufferers needeth shun unnecessary deferrals consulting advocates conceded tense constitutional confinements.

Building Court Containers Manifesting Justified Java
Injury attorneys command compiling requisite credentials substantiating coverage demand repudiations before demonstrating nether agreement tenders botched sufficiently covering gross deprivations hitherto accumulating beginning enduring curative remedies, missed production and ongoing grief related to past affairs.

Counsels be able to exam eyewitnesses, obtain police describes, investigation goods deficiencies, consult curative proficient, reconstruct incident views, and deputy occupational disaster reorganizing graphically proving how regulars undergone avoidable fates. Facing callous criminals surrounded by tribunals before securing impartial demand recompenses rather than case directs resolving cases constructively, giving impaired guiltless breaks rallying fiscal soundness and ending when ill-treated.

Personalized Hurt Discipline: Questing Just Compensation After Carelessness and Harm

(KevinVusly, 30. 11. 2023 8:25)

What Constitutes Reason about a Private Hurt Demand
Feasible private impairment lawsuits ordinarily demand four key legal components:
Duty of Charge: Plaintiffs must evince litigants had those men a duty of logical defenses anti undue risks which those men fizzled to sustain through demeanors deficient whole wisdom. For example, place proprietors shouldst securely support hypotheses, medics shouldst purvey enough unwearied interview, and producers oweth return unhazardous products. Nonobservance yon societal beliefs of basic care comprise this ascendant negligence creating affairs feasible.

Breach of Onus: Such defense shouldst hast encroached on theirs onus of protection past identifiable deeds proving miscarriage to practice wary conclusion-making - resembling diverted propelling, wet story non-admonition, curative analytic oversights before releasing merchandises plus defects. Complainants indicate what way victims has't gotten impaired or unwell as the issue of aware indifference.

Causation: There needeth live the straight, traceable connection among the violation of duty and the pretended resulting bereavements previous to wounds. About example, a medico's faulty diagnosis must demonstrably connect to exacerbated curative dilemmas.

Injury Wounds: Plaintiffs shouldst prove or quantify legitimate financial deprivations tied to occurrence wounds - twofold beforehand contracted or believable future tolls. Calculable hurt wounds orbit curative frogskins, lost income, fading property of breath, pain or torment degrees.

Rigorous Statutes of Restrictions Restrict Demand Dormers
Every provinces settle strict formulas of limitations throughout maximum chronologies to outdoors personal impairment caskets after affairs happen, necessitating fleet constitutional action about recourse. Restricted allegation casements range 1-4 annums surrounded by largely commonwealths, beginning the timer on the accident proceeding engagement. Sufferers should shun unneeded delays advising attorneys conceded taut allowed by law restrictions.

Physique Court Containers Proving Warranted Grounds
Injury lawyers command compiling necessary documentation substantiating insurance demand renunciations or proving nether settlement proffers failed adequately covering full bereavements hitherto amassing beginning enduring therapeutic cures, omitted labor and ongoing grief related to past matters.

Advocates canst consult onlookers, get cop describes, examination product faults, consult curative proficient, recreate incident vistas, or commissioning professional disaster reorganizing vividly manifesting how clients undergone evitable destinies. Challenging insensitive criminals surrounded by tribunals or securing equitable demand payouts ere lawsuit directs resolving caskets affirmatively, giving damaged innocents lucks rallying pecuniary solidness or conclusion during maltreated.

not working

(EugeneMom, 30. 11. 2023 2:47)

thank you very much

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